By Ross Young

If you’re keen to improve your website’s ranking on Google, you need to consider your SEO approach. The term itself can be scary for some people, but it’s helpful to think about it as the way your website performs on Google and what you can do to influence its ranking.

As we explain in this article, you can do many simple things to boost your site’s SEO without breaking the bank. So, whether you’re keen to hire a copywriter or want to develop some SEO skills in-house, here are five quick and easy SEO tips that anyone can implement.

Tip 1: Post regularly

One of the cornerstones of any SEO strategy is regular posting. If you only publish one or two blog posts a year, Google won’t pay much attention to your site. While there’s no golden rule about how much content you should put into the world, you must aim for regular posts.

We recommend at least one decent-sized blog post a month (1,000+ words) to boost your site’s visibility on Google.

The more quality articles you publish, the healthier your site will be. If you’re struggling with content creation, hire a copywriter to help you.

Tip 2: Create original content

Google HATES duplicate content. While you can turn to published sources for inspiration for upcoming blog posts, you should never copy and paste content from another website. This will severely harm your website’s chances of ranking, and it could even get you in trouble with your competitors if they notice that you’ve stolen some of their content.

If you do take some ideas from another site or you need to copy a small segment verbatim, always provide a link to the source and credit the site in question. Linking to trusted websites improves your SEO, so it’s a win-win.

Tip 3: Don’t rely on AI

We’re at a crossroads as far as AI copy is concerned. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but it’s still not great. Tools like ChatGPT can be helpful for your business, particularly as far as idea generation is concerned.

But please don’t ask ChatGPT to create blog posts for your business. Most people (and Google) can spot AI-generated content a mile off. It doesn’t help your SEO and can even damage your brand if people recognise that you’re letting a robot do your talking.

While there’s certainly a lot more to come from AI, you should not regard it as your in-house copywriter. Your brand will suffer if you do.

Tip 4: Conduct some basic keyword research

Some people panic when they hear the term “keyword research”. But actually, it just means that you want to find out what people are typing into Google. You don’t need us to tell you how valuable this can be for your business.

Rather than downloading an expensive tool like Semrush (though we use it and recommend it for more advanced SEO as it’s brilliant), here’s a trick you can use to conduct some basic keyword research for your business.

Let’s say you sell coffee.

Type a generic term like “best quality coffee beans online” into Google and hit search. There will be a snippet of information at the top of the search results, followed by a list of questions that Google thinks you will be interested in.

These questions are a brilliant source of information for keyword research, as they indicate what other people are typing into Google related to your initial query. Spend some time looking at the quality of the copy given for these questions, and if you think you can write something better, go for it.

Granted, you can’t find out exactly how many people are searching for these key terms, but you can be sure that if Google features them as questions at the top of the SERPs, they receive high traffic.

Tip 5: Hire a copywriter

Creating SEO content for your brand isn’t easy. The good news is that you can hire a copywriter to take care of your content. At Magic Word Media, we work with clients in various sectors to create quality SEO articles that build trust and credibility with Google.

Whether you’re looking for a couple of blog posts each month or a complete website overhaul, our copywriters can help.

So if you want to hire a copywriter but are currently on the fence, contact our wizards at 01473 526 424 and learn how we can help take your website to the next level.

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T: +44 1473 526424


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What does SEO mean?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation. It involves creating content to help your website rank on Google and other search engines. You can do this by incorporating keywords and search terms into your copy and by following the simple steps introduced in the article above.

Why is SEO important?

SEO is essential because it helps people find your website. If you don’t implement some basic SEO tips into your content creation, people won’t be able to find your site via organic Google searches. As such, investing in your SEO offers huge potential returns as it helps you engage with a much wider audience.

Can anyone do SEO?

While SEO certainly isn’t easy, anyone can incorporate some basic elements of SEO when creating copy for a website. That’s why we’ve put together this article introducing five straightforward SEO tips, each of which you can incorporate without any technical SEO experience.

What’s the best SEO tip for beginners?

Our top SEO tip for beginners is to post original content to your website regularly. If you’re struggling with content ideas or want to outsource your SEO copywriting, we would love to help you.

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