Magic Word Media supports three charities with regular donations from our fee income.

As an ethical business, we are only too aware that so many people need support because of circumstances out of their control. We are also mindful of how we must better protect our environment.

In selecting our charities, we have picked ones that reflect our interests or experience in some way.

We’re proud to present money several times a year to these charities, and we think our clients also get some satisfaction from knowing that by choosing to work with Magic Word Media, they are helping others.

Here are our three chosen charities, with some insight into where our money goes.


This is a forward-thinking education-through-sport charity working with six schools in Ghana and one in Togo.

The charity funds teachers and sports coaching, giving children an incentive to attend schooling they might otherwise avoid.

Just £12.50 a month helps fund one child via a scholarship programme at the Future Leaders School in Accra. This is an independent school without Government funding and for children who might not otherwise have any education.

If you pay a regular £625 monthly invoice to Magic Word Media, you can educate a child in Ghana!

Our interest in Futurestars is down to its director, Simon Milton. Simon is a former Ipswich Town FC player and is connected to our director, Simon Young. Simon Y has taken part (slowly) in Futurestars marathon charity bike rides across Suffolk.

Another former Ipswich legend (and England captain) Terry Butcher, is one of the charity’s ambassadors, while another former player, Titus Bramble, is a trustee.

sports at Futurestars school

Suffolk Mind

Suffolk Mind

Suffolk Mind is the county's independent mental health charity, providing lots of wellbeing initiatives and support throughout the county.

Magic Word Media was proud to adopt the organisation as a Charity of the Year in 2024 and our team has pledged to continue support beyond that.

It's not a cliche to say every little helps, because in this case, it's true:

  • £25 can run the charity's vital phone lines for an hour
  • £55 can support a fully-funded counselling session (which could be a life save)
  • £150 lets the charity teach two groups of primary school children about the link between movement and good mental health
  • £2,500 lets them deliver mental health training to a whole school.

Join is in supporting Suffolk Mind via our official JustGiving page.

Scotty’s Little Soldiers

When UK armed forces personnel lose their lives serving their country, they often leave children behind. These kids and young people need bereavement support, ongoing counselling and initiatives to set them on a path to recovery and give them opportunities in life they might not otherwise get.

Scotty's Little Soldiers

Simon Young knows from personal experience what it’s like to lose a parent at a very young age, and the story of Scotty’s Little Soldiers, inspired by Army widow Nikki Scott, strikes a chord.

The charity maintains there are over 1,000 bereaved military children in the UK without access to support, and we as a business are proud to do our bit to help.

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